The Queen Angelfish is one of the most striking of all Angelfish with their Blazing Yellow and Electric Sapphire-Blue highlights.
The Queen Angelfish feeds on a variety of marine invertebrates including sponges, tunicates, jellyfish, and corals as well as plankton and algae.
Most marine Angelfish restrict themselves to the shallows of the reef and seldom venture deeper than 50 m (160 ft). They are diurnal animals, hiding amongst the nooks and crevices of the reef by night.
These marine fish release many tiny buoyant eggs into the water which then become part of the plankton. The eggs float freely with the currents until hatching, with a high number falling victim to the plank tonic feeders.
This watercolor painting was painted on Arches Aquarelle paper.
A beautiful Colorful Abstract Watercolor Print | Download your own print from an 8 x 10 PDF or 11 x 14 PDF that you could print onto anything from paper to wood to canvas, the options are endless!
Not for commercial use copyright@2024 Carole Anne Love
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